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I am an Australian occupational therapist, educator and researcher. I have worked as an OT in mental health, vocational rehabilitation and a private surgical hospital. I am passionate using online technology to enhance the knowledge and growth of the occupational therapy profession. In my PhD research I am looking at the role of online technologies in information management and knowledge transfer in occupational therapy. Views expressed and stories shared on this blog are my opinion and do not represent views of my employer or professional registration body.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

To Tweet or not to Tweet... what is the answer?

After reading the article suggested by Joan I found this fascinating quote within the article:

Every blogger, no matter how ambitious or dedicated to his or her blog - wants a community around it. Easier said than done of course. To build a community you have to get people engaged around the premise of your content and then make it as easy for them to interact as possible. Both with you and each other.ShoutEm, Mar 2009

You should read the whole article.

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